Get on the Gravy Train

Get on the Gravy Train

These professional quality gravies and stocks are perfect for warming up winter menus. 

As most professionals working within the catering industry will be glad to tell you, good gravy and stock is a cornerstone of the kitchen. From a thick, glossy gravy poured over a beautifully roasted joint to a clear reduced jus packed with condensed flavour, they’re the culinary staples that makes the simplest dishes sing. 

To be clear (and there’s no pun intended here), stock is the juice made by gently boiling down the left over carcass of meat, fish or shellfish, most often with the addition of some appropriate aromatics. A good stock should contain enough collagen from the slowly simmered bones have imbued it with some natural thickness and delicate gloss. A broth (commonly known as bullion in French cuisine) is similar to a stock but is cooked faster, and often uses vegetables rather than meat, or a combination of both.